Sunday, September 28, 2008

Staging my "Studio"

I was running around like a crazy woman last week. I received a call from a Birmingham News reporter who asked if she could take photos of me in my "studio." Studio??!! What??!! I work all over my house, whenever I want to; however I want to. . . in the kitchen; on the dining room table; sitting in the den on the floor, etc. However, it was a reasonable request and I didn't hesitate to say "yes." The reporter and I negotiated a time and a day. Lord, Lord. I haven't moved so many sketch pads, books, papers and miscellaneous supplies at one time in my life. So much stuff; so little time. And I mean STUFF! Two-thirds of it should have been tossed out weeks ago (if not months)! It took me a couple of evenings but I was able to pull it together.

The photographs were taken (groan) and I cringed when the photographer allowed me to see the results of her effort in the preview window on the digital camera. (double-groan) Whatever. It's about the art, right? It's not about the wrinkles and puffy places that won't disappear even when you suck in and hold your breath 'til the cows come home. I give up. I'm usually good for one shot, maybe two on a good day. But by the fifth or sixth pose, I just couldn't suck it all in and hold my breath another second. The puffy places contracted and then fell into their natural state. It is what it is.

My "studio" is wonderful. See the picture? I had just started to make some decisions about what was in, what had to go, when I snapped this. I took this picture, of one corner of the room, to get a feel for what the photographer might see through her lens. I have a lot of whimsical things that I surround myself with in my studio. Most are thrift shop finds. Toys from the '30s and '40s are my favorite items along with my flour sack quilts. I removed them, initially, then decided to bring them back into the room because, well, because I like them.

It is what it is.


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