Sunday, October 26, 2008

KENTUCK '08 Recap

One week has passed since KENTUCK. I still consider myself a neophyte with regard to the juried art festival circuit. However, I've now participated in all of the major shows in this region, in three short years. It's very satisfying. I'll concentrate on my grant (administered by the Cultural Alliance of Greater Birmingham) over the next year and then will begin considering applications for out of state juried art festivals next fall. What can I say? I love the circuit!

I don't know how I happened to have landed a perfect spot for set up: B-34. I wish that I could post the pics of new friends and artists who I spent two days with but I failed to ask their permission to upload their faces and art. (I feel very strongly about that.) Bummer. Well, since I didn't ask, I'll just say that Peter Rose of Knoxville, TN, Kathleen Fetters with husband Glenn House of Gordo, ALA, Sam the Dot Man and Amos Paul Kennedy, Gordo, ALA among others made the event fun. Interesting note: Glenn is a retired faculty member in the MFA in the Book Arts Program at the University of Alabama. A number of patrons stopped by my booth to see my new block print designs. I was honored to have Buddy Palmer, President & CEO of Cultural Alliance of Greater Birmingham to stop by, and Julian Hazlett. Actually, I remembered to ask Julian if I could add his pic to my blog. Here he is with his trademark smile! What a handsome guy. Gush. Gush. My friend John Sims and his wife stopped in. John is the individual who literally pushed me into filling out my first application for an art festival -Bluff Park.

Although on-site security was great, I couldn't leave my prints overnight. The risk of dampness or dew saturating my paper is scary. I had to set up at 5:30 every morning then break down and pack up each evening for the drive back to Birmingham. I didn't do any of this alone. Tom did it all and I'm grateful for his effort. What a guy.

KENTUCK was fun! Thanks for stopping by my booth and saying hello. See you, again, next year!

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