Monday, June 02, 2008

6th Annual Art in the Gardens

I'm in prep mode for the 6th Annual Juried Art Show at Aldridge Botanical Gardens, Hoover, Alabama.

Here's the announcement that I emailed to a few of my patrons and friends. The image, a linoleum block print, won a 1st Place Award last month, at the 19th Annual Southern Roots Exhibition. I wrote about this in an earlier blog. One day I'll share the story behind the title "Like a Martin to its Gourd."

My daughter celebrated her 26th birthday last week. You can read about her special day on her blog. My son has just reached the halfway mark towards his M.A. Such sweet babies!

I need to get you all updated on my kiln purchase, upcoming shows and the new lino blocks that I've cut but I have to get back to the printing press.

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