Sunday, March 25, 2007

March Madness

The title of this blog entry has nothing to do with the current college basketball frenzy that has gripped the country. But rather, it has more to do with the frantic, mad hatter's craziness that I'm feeling these days, as I prepare for my next outdoor art festival—the ONB/Magic City Art Festival located in Linn Park, downtown Birmingham. I simply can not believe that this month is almost over!

My art prep time is reaching a critical stage.
I'm not one to do anything at the last minute . . .so I'm starting to feel a bit of (self impossed) pressure to kick it up a notch. I still have a number of lino blocks to cut, print, package and/or frame. Then I'll need to make sure that my canopy tent, table, portfolio rack(s), and additional supplies are all in tip top shape. A couple of weeks ago, I ordered a Director's Chair from Dick Blick. Last October, when I participated in the 43rd Annual Bluff Park Art Festival, I stayed on my feet the entire time. I was one tired puppy at the end of the day. A friend who had assisted me, had the presence of mind to bring a couple of lawn chairs but customers came into the booth, stopped to chat and passed by every few minutes and I just couldn't find the time to sit. The thought of standing for 3 long days, this next go 'round, without a place to park my tush is more than a notion. At least with a tall Director's Chair, if I opt not to sit, I'll have a place to lean against.

In addition to my lino prints (on paper), I'll also offer 6-inch tiles with the same designs and bookplates. The tiles are actually being fired this week and should be ready within the next few days. I'm anxious to see the final product. If all goes well, I'll post pictures.

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